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Stephen Teape
Ranking 148.0%
Races 7
8840 Runners
Year: Race: Lucky Dip
Year: All Years Races recorded: 7 races Ranking: 148.0%
 Pos.Race NameDate  Time%Winner
R 25 Inveraray Jail Break 03/05/20150:40:19150.2%
R 13 Taynuilt Games Hill Race 19/07/20141:13:00122.7%
R 12 Taynuilt Games Hill Race 20/07/20131:22:59147.2%
R 35 Beinn Lora Hill Race 29/11/20090:37:03134.3%
R 55 The Law Breaker 28/12/20080:53:03161.5%
R 24 Beinn Lora Hill Race 30/11/20080:37:47141.0%
R 112 Lomonds of Fife Hill Race 19/08/20072:39:48178.8%
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