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James Waldie
Photo: Harry Gilmore
Ranking 108.0%
Races 92
Age 32
277 Runners
Year: Race: Lucky Dip
Year: All Years Races recorded: 92 races Ranking: 108.0%
 Pos.Race NameDate  Time%Winner
R 13 Broughton Heights 24/08/20190:48:56108.9%
R 5 Alva Games Hill Race 13/07/20190:22:37119.1%
R 3 Dollar Hill Race 06/07/20191:22:37102.2%
R 7 Red Moss Kips Race 05/06/20190:44:11108.4%
R 5 Hunters Bog Trot 27/04/20190:32:04106.8%
R 22 Screel Hill Race 13/04/20190:31:28117.6%
R 3 Deuchary Hill Canter (ONLINE ENTRY) 31/03/20191:17:24105.0%
R 2 Birnam Hill Race (ONLINE ENTRY) 30/03/20190:30:46109.5%
R 15 Carnethy 5 Hill Race 09/02/20190:55:20109.4%
R 11 Pentland Skyline (ONLINE ENTRY) 14/10/20182:38:56114.0%
R 2 Two Breweries Hill Race 22/09/20182:58:57103.2%
R 4 Beinn Resipol (TO BE CONFIRMED) 15/09/20181:14:13108.8%
R 2 Ochil 2000s 18/08/20183:03:10105.4%
R 2 Caerketton Hill Race 08/08/20180:18:51104.5%
R 3 Ben Rinnes Hill Race 28/07/20181:56:01102.0%
R 1 Maddy Moss Hill Race 11/07/20180:52:15100.0%
R 2 Lairig Ghru 24/06/20183:20:05100.7%
R 1 Traprain Law Race 09/06/20180:38:10100.0%
R 10 Yetholm Hill Race 03/06/20181:11:46112.6%
R 4 Ben Lomond Hill Race 12/05/20181:13:20109.5%
R 16 Stuc a`Chroin Hill Race 05/05/20182:36:38119.2%
R 4 Hunters Bog Trot 21/04/20180:28:36108.9%
R 3 Deuchary Hill Canter (ONLINE ENTRY) 25/03/20181:28:08106.6%
R 5 Chapelgill Hill Race 17/03/20180:21:06102.6%
R 102 Devils Beeftub Race 09/09/20170:39:47181.5%
R 2 Kilpatricks Hill Race 31/05/20170:45:53101.7%
R 7 Goatfell Race 20/05/20171:18:24108.6%
R 21 Broughton Heights 13/05/20170:44:26110.0%
R 4 Whangie Whizz 10/05/20170:29:17101.7%
R 14 Stuc a`Chroin Hill Race 06/05/20172:21:18109.8%
R 4 Beinn Dubh (Luss) 26/04/20170:36:50109.2%
R 1 Kaim Hill Race 19/04/20170:28:15100.0%
R 9 Criffel Hill Race 19/03/20170:56:40111.4%
R 13 Carnethy 5 Hill Race 11/02/20170:56:14106.4%
R 4 Tinto Hill Race 12/11/20160:32:05103.1%
R 2 Run of the Mill 23/10/20161:11:09100.1%
R 1 Manor Water Hill Race 08/10/20161:07:35100.0%
R 6 Lomonds of Fife Hill Race 21/08/20161:38:45113.4%
R 5 Caerketton Hill Race 10/08/20160:19:36104.5%
R 10 Creag Dhubh Hill Race 06/08/20160:30:01104.3%
R 3 Maddy Moss Hill Race 13/07/20160:51:54100.8%
R 3 Alva Games Hill Race 09/07/20160:22:10102.8%
R 2 The Law Breaker 29/06/20160:38:02103.7%
R 17 Eildon Three Hill Race 25/06/20160:37:49110.4%
R 3 Red Moss Kips Race 08/06/20160:41:20100.7%
R 3 Gargunnock Hill Race 04/06/20160:29:50108.2%
R 1 Gypsy Glen Hill Race 18/05/20160:31:04100.0%
R 2 Dumyat Hill Race 11/05/20160:34:47100.6%
R 1 Whangie Whizz 04/05/20160:30:43100.0%
R 2 Hunters Bog Trot 16/04/20160:27:21100.2%
R 2 Ben Gullipen Hill Race 05/03/20160:50:46101.6%
R 1 Dollar Hill Race 04/07/20151:23:44100.0%
R 23 Durisdeer Hill Race 13/06/20151:37:30114.7%
R 2 Kilpatricks Hill Race 27/05/20150:44:58101.8%
R 7 Ben Lomond Hill Race 09/05/20151:12:08107.9%
R 8 Birnam Hill Race (ONLINE ENTRY) 28/03/20150:31:10105.8%
R 1 Bishop Hill Race 01/03/20150:18:59100.0%
R 1 Newtyle Hill Race 30/07/20140:30:36100.0%
R 18 Dollar Hill Race 28/06/20141:17:25108.4%
R 1 Traprain Law Race 14/06/20140:40:15100.0%
R 11 Scolty Hill Race 01/06/20140:35:52113.9%
R 9 Dumyat Hill Race 07/05/20140:37:12105.4%
R 1 Kaim Hill Race 30/04/20140:30:58100.0%
R 4 Hunters Bog Trot 19/04/20140:29:35104.2%
R 2 Greenmantle Dash 02/01/20140:17:14101.3%
R 2 Half Ben Nevis Race 14/07/20130:57:18109.2%
R 1 Turnhouse Hill Race 03/07/20130:25:54100.0%
R 78 Red Moss Revolution 19/06/20130:49:13138.8%
R 30 Yetholm Hill Race 02/06/20131:11:40118.8%
R 18 Glas Tulaichean Uphill 11/05/20130:44:13121.9%
R 11 Hunters Bog Trot 27/04/20130:30:17112.9%
R 1 Menstrie (Home International Trial) 02/09/20120:42:06100.0%
R 1 Creag Dhubh Hill Race 04/08/20120:30:24100.0%
R 16 Durisdeer Hill Race 16/06/20121:39:51112.1%
R 5 Ben Lomond Hill Race 12/05/20121:16:24108.2%
R 7 Dumyat Hill Race 09/05/20120:36:24112.4%
R 11 Carnethy 5 Hill Race 11/02/20120:51:52108.3%
R 3 Tinto Hill Race 12/11/20110:32:51106.5%
R 3 Run of the Mill 23/10/20111:15:09107.8%
R 1 Manor Water Hill Race 08/10/20111:08:36100.0%
R 5 Ben Venue Hill Race 01/10/20111:16:34107.0%
R 6 Menstrie (Home International Trial) 28/08/20110:45:14111.0%
R 11 Eildon Three Hill Race 25/06/20110:30:59112.6%
R 2 Gypsy Glen Hill Race 18/05/20110:32:35100.5%
R 65 Ben Lomond Hill Race 07/05/20111:38:12133.2%
R 17 Dumyat Hill Race 04/05/20110:38:17115.7%
R 1 Normans Law 23/04/20110:30:51100.0%
R 7 Hunters Bog Trot 16/04/20110:31:31108.7%
R 5 Chapelgill Hill Race 19/03/20110:24:43107.8%
R 7 Bishop Hill Race 06/03/20110:19:42113.4%
R 31 Carnethy 5 Hill Race 12/02/20110:59:39118.1%
R 7 Creag Dhubh Hill Race 01/08/20090:32:23112.8%
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